I have been asked how
the chickens and young chicks are doing so I thought a few photos would be the
best way for me to answer. Even though the rainy seasons has slowed the winds
are still making it hard to get good photos. With my recent medical issues I cannot
spend much time in the cool weather and the wind so I haven’t even tried to
take photos. Today it is still windy but fairly warm so here is a little photo
update of the flock.
Here is a good photo
of the yard boss, Juan, and one of the young pullets. Juan has filled out very
nice as is the pullet.
Juan, the black
beauty (don’t know what to call her) 2 of the young pullets and 1 of the young chicks.
A fair photo of the
black beauty.
This really shows
some of her awesome markings.
The best side shot I manage
A few of the 10 week
old chicks, some are getting to be a nice size. You can just see part of Momma
PJ’s head in the brooder pin, there were several of her eggs and others in the
nest when she started setting, it will be interesting to see what comes forth
when they hatch soon.
Another older pullet, nice size.
One of the pullets that had to have her wing clipped.
The light green
leaves are on the golden dewdrops, the chickens, chicks and guineas spend a lot
of time under them when the winds blow like today and also when it is raining. You
can’t see her here but one of the pullets is under the golden dewdrop behind
the orange pullet.
The chickens and the
chicks are doing great on the fermented feed. Some of the pullets have started
to lay eggs which for pullets are large; the yokes are a nice bright reddish
orange, standing tall with whites that don’t run all over like store bought. The
hens’ eggs are large to extra-large and of course have the same coloring and
firmness. Good strong shells even from the pullets. It will be interesting to
see the first eggs from the chicks in a few more weeks. I’m hoping they lay
eggs similar to the black beauty hen, nice large eggs. As I’ve mentioned we
plan to keep 10 of the chicks and one roo. Having to figure out which roo gets
to be the daddy of future chicks will be the hard choice unless they both
produce the good traits we are hoping for.
The garden has 2
tomatoes, 2 lima beans and 1 jalapeno growing, photos to come. I don’t know
what happened to my bell peppers, they just didn’t sprout, I guess I’ll have to
fix a hot house just to get the going. I need to do that soon.
Tickle it with a hoe and it will
laugh into a garden....