Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Garden is the Main Purpose of This Blog!

A friend has remarked that he was concerned that I might forget the garden in my blog. His concern was that other things (subjects) might distract from the news about what is going on in the garden. I had started a personal reply but as I began to type and explain what is and what was to happen with the garden and such I thought perhaps others would like to know what was in the planning so here is my reply to him and to all.

The primary reason for the blog is the garden which right now has most everything removed waiting for me to get new plants sprouted so I haven't said much about it.

The seeds for bell peppers turned out to be something else, sort of like a jalapeno, just maybe hotter, they turned red instead of staying green which maybe jalapenos do but being that I have never raised them I don't know. The okra never did much of anything. The tomatoes weren't pruned and grew way too big again. Which was more plant than tomatoes. The new tomato plants will be pruned to 4 main stalks and constantly suckered and trimmed for height. I did a lot of reading about trimming and pruning tomatoes and now know how much more I can do to keep them from getting too big. When we had tomatoes in a regular garden their height and size was no problem so they were left to grow as big as they wanted and they did in the well prepared soil back in CA and when I was a kid.

Also the little raised beds are an experiment too. As many plants don't like their roots wet for a long time I am trying these little raised beds with different plants to see which ones improve and do well during the rainy season. These little raised beds will have to be watered during the dry season (for which I’ve been planning a water system for, mostly a drip system), perhaps they'll end up with different plants in them as well, it’s all an experiment. I'm thinking of doing one little one for one tomato plant to see just what can be done with them during the dry season (maybe two, one trimmed and pruned and the other just suckered).

What I don’t want and would have a hard time with is a regular type garden where I would have to bend over to tend to it properly; the ol’ back just won’t allow me to do that.

I have planned to start my tomato seeds next month in my window greenhouse for the garden so I’ll also start one for the little raised bed as well. By the time the rains have slowed down they’ll be good size, ready for transplanting. What I’m doing now will give me good large tomatoes so I can save seeds for myself and for those who have asked for saved seeds. My plan is to save seeds from the best of the best, nice shaped and good size tomatoes.

I’m thinking of planting some lettuce, radishes and carrots now just to see how well they can do this time of the year.

I’ll install my water system this week. I will post photos of before and after and also with the system on so folks can see how it works.

I will continue to post about all that is happening around here as well as the garden. I email folks about this and that all the time which as all of you know, can get very time consuming so I’ll post more often to the blog instead of doing single emails about things. Some post may contain only information about the garden and plants while other post will contain everything.

Today is bright and shiny, no rain (yet). Have already been in the garden and worked in the yard, time for lunch.

So much to do so little time!

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