Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day four of garden construction.

Yesterday would be day 4 of the gardens construction. Just getting things ready wasn't all that easy. My touch of gripe is still with me so most of everything will be done by Juan again. I try to stay away from him as much as possible, don't want him to get my affliction too. Something I had done before the construction started was to punch a hole in the laundry room wall and run a pipe out for a hose faucet for the back yard, that turned out to be a very good idea. It is not only very handy for the construction work (had ran a long hose from the carport before) but also for washing out the chickens water dispenser and hosing off the sidewalk where the chickens have left their calling cards. Juan was real happy with that as it has much more pressure and made it easier to wash out the little cement mixer we brought here from California. Using that old mixer he was able to pour the whole footing before the first batch had setup, much much stronger that way.

Boy, this blogging is a learning experience. I tried to place 2 photos side by side, no way, I couldn't re-size them, while trying to do that I ended up with two columns where I didn't want them then I had to delete both photos and the columns then start putting the photos back. You can see my little 4X4 diesel tractor in the left background with the ripper and grader blade behind it.

This view gives you a good idea of the height of the 3 layers of block sides. The seat that will be cast on top of the block will be from the inside edge to about 6" from the outside edge. It should end up about 2" thick, good and strong to accommodate my posterior should it expand in my old age. Some of the area around the garden will be graded again so that the whole area will be one level instead of high on one end and low on the other. you can just see 3 of the hens on the opposite side inspecting the work and giving their cluck approval.

Someone ask me why no photo of myself, Caroline and Juan, well there isn't one yet, this will have to do until we can get one maybe Monday, I will use it for the photo on the main page. This is a shot from our back yard of some of the houses in Rancho Lobo for some of you that have asked where we are. I will try and get a copy of the Google Earth satellite view of the pin location of our home and San Ramon. That will then give you a better idea of where we are.

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